Background Service

The Background Service is a Windows service that monitors a user-defined database where the monitoring data is being stored. The Monitor data collection is set up in the Data Director Configuration tool.

The Background Service sends email notifications if errors or warnings occur. The service can be found in Windows Services under the name LS Retail Monitor.
Note: If emails are not being sent, the cause might be that the Background Service has not been started yet.


The Monitor service monitors all errors from the Data Director and LS Central Scheduler / NAS.

Notification emails

Notification emails can be sent to different users for different kind of errors. There are four kinds of errors that can occur in the Data Director:

  • warning error
  • connection error
  • database error
  • unknown error.

The user can specify who gets notified for each type of error. The user can configure the monitor to send emails when a scheduled job is late or if there is a scheduler error.

Error log

The Windows service logs all program errors to the program data folder in LS Retail\WebMonitor\webservicelog.txt. These are errors that may have been caused by a wrong setup or database connection problems. The Data Director errors are not logged to this error log.